Tag Archives: National Pet Day



Yesterday, in the middle of the day I finally got to my phone and checked Facebook for the first time. There were hundreds of posts about a National Sibling Day, so of course, I did my obligatory toast to my fabulous sister on the social media outlets. After realizing that everyone was so excited about National Sibling Day, I checked to see what other holidays were happening around the world for this week. Today happens to be International Louie Louie Day, National Cheese Fondue Day, National Eight-Track Tape Day, National Pet Day, World Parkinson’s Disease Day, and best of all…National Quartet Day! So take tonight to sit back, put on a CD with some good Beatles and Sixties music, add a little Louie Louie to the mix, eat some delicious delicate Cheese Fondue, hug your pet, send love to patience with Parkinson’s Disease, and watch some epic Jimmy Fallon Ragtime Gals Quartet!



Dedicated to my puppy nephew, Dudley Starke and my turtle, Sir Rosco Sylvester Four.



 In honor of Sherman Starke. RIP puppy.

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